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Together for Change: Join Our Movement Against 5G

Welcome to our information page about Project Archimedes!  The goal of Project Archimedes is to unite the world’s population and steer the course of public interest advancement and public policy change against 5G. 

If you would like to Join Our Movement Against 5G and tell us your story, please complete the Join Our Movement Against 5G Survey.

Project Archimedes

Additional Resources



Welcome to Project Archimedes

The 10 templates are free and open-source to empower us with information on crimes against humanity and how they are being used on every person on the planet. Use each template to file an incident report with local law enforcement of a named defendant in your local community. Sit down for coffee to educate county and city employees, state legislators, and Congress so they know you know too. It is suggested to build a community team to stand together to fight for truth, justice, and frankly because the human-being is now an endangered species.

Please follow these five steps:

To watch videos of each template, visit CloutHub’s @ProjectArchimedes and share updates on @VaxxChoice.

Step 1

Review the Instructions on how to file a criminal complaint.

Step 2

Review and complete the Cover Page. The cover page example is to type in your own circumstance regarding the crime and the specific defendant(s) who have been in your city or county.

Step 3

Review the 10 templates. Then add, edit, and print the template that you wish to report as a crime. Bring both the printed cover page and template to law enforcement or a community official. The referenced material is also in the Attachments below.

Step 4

Any donation to support this project will be greatly appreciated. You will receive a free sponsor patch to show our deep appreciation for your dedication to save the human species.

Step 5

We need volunteers. If you can spare your time and energy with your talents, please say ‘yes’ on the survey form to volunteering and a team member will contact you.
Event Highlights


The U.S. government paid to develop the SARS-Covid-19 bioweapon, paid to make sure you could not receive early treatment for SARS-Covid19 by paying pharmacies to not issue ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine, the government paid for it’s “cure” in the Covid-19 bioweapon, paid for the rollout, distribution, advertising, and fear campaign of the next pandemic – Disease X.

Why Choose Us

5th Generation Warfare

Project Archimedes is for the people and by the people. Criminal complaint templates are our modern day weapon on the war on truth.  Please use these templates to educate and protect yourself, loved ones, and our communities.

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Event Completed
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Satisfied Customer
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Respected Vendor

Access Our Resources

Are you an expert in the field of 5G, Anomalous Health Incidents (“AHI” or “Havana Syndrome”), Targeted Individuals, Directed Energy Weapons, etc. and want to join the fight? 



5th Generation Warfare

5th Generation Warfare

5th Generation Warfare has begun by using weapons you cannot see like bullets and bombs. Directed energy weapons are affecting each one of us. Whether we’re subjected to radiation poisoning from the onslaught of the mix of electromagnetic frequencies from space to underground, directed energy…

Atmosphere and Weather Modification

