Home – About Us
The Remnant Ministry is a collaborative organization of churches united to advance shared Heavenly missions. The Remnant Ministry honors and applies the Word of God to “Vindicate the weak and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy; and deliver them out of the hand of the wicked” according to Psalms 82:3-4. Operating as an “association of churches” they provide crucial support in border operations, child trafficking recovery through Operation Millstone, and church ministry training. By partnering with leading Child Rescue Teams and providing resources to strengthen local and nationwide Partner Churches, they work to articulate and advance a family—and church-centered worldview.
The Remnant Ministry engages in ministry activities across the United States and internationally, sharing resources and expertise with their Partner Churches to accomplish their shared mission. Their dedicated team approach ensures successful recoveries and impactful ministry, supported by valued partners like ARC, VaxxChoice, Ltd, Mercury DID, Crossrifle Solutions, America’s Black Robe Regiment, and Banners 4 Freedom. Together, we strive to make a meaningful difference in their communities and beyond.
Project Archimedes is for the people and by the people. Participation in our Movement against 5G, and using our Complaint templates to educate, and protect yourself, loved ones, and our communities are our modern-day tools to win the war on truth.
5th Generation Warfare has begun by using weapons you cannot see like bullets and bombs.